The RVing Life – June 2016


The RVing Life

Tips | Tales | Gear | Fun RVing Stuff


Keeping Your Distance.

If you have a slide out, or maybe even a couple of slides, on your travel trailer, fifth wheel, or motor home then you know the guessing that sometimes is involved when you pull into the campground late and you just want to get setup and get the fire going.

I’ve personally had to move my RV more than once because I got a little too close to a tree or other object and didn’t MAKE SURE my slide could be fully extended.  A couple simple tips…

  1. Always have someone watching OUTSIDE when you extend one or more of your slides. Just having a set of eyes on the situation can save you time and money on unnecessary repair bills.
  2. Use the idea provided by and simply use your fresh water hose or even your electrical cord by wrapping a colored piece of tape around it that equals the depth distance of your slide.  When you are hooking up your electric or water you can do a quick check before putting the slide out.


Using a hose to measure slide size



Going, Going, Gone with the Wynns

Adventure seekers tune in … the Wynns have been living the RV Lifestyle for some time and do a fantastic job of using video and their blog to showcase their experiences.

They have some great content on their RVing adventures here and you can check out their updated website and newest adventure here.




Protect Your Tech

If you haven’t yet experienced a power surge at a campground then you either don’t camp much or you’ve been extremely lucky.  They are inevitable and when they occur and you are not protected, get ready to shell out mucho dollars to repair or replace your air conditioner, fridge, your laptop, and whatever else might be plugged in at the moment.

Campgrounds are notorious for power surges. It’s not the campground’s fault. It’s a part of being on the ‘the grid’ and you need to prepare ahead of time or pay later.

The two big names in RV surge protection on the market are Surge Guard and Progressive.  The folks at have done a great job putting together a comparison chart here.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Do your homework and get a surge protector for your home on wheels!



Fun RV’ing Stuff

RV Envy

Imagine the looks you might get if you had this recycled fire truck at the game on Saturday!  Grilling some dogs, taking a snooze, and oh yeah …. badge of honor for having the biggest hose in the parking lot.


RV - FireTruck



P.S. Are you looking for a Travel Trailer? Checkout our take on the top 5 Travel Trailer brands for 2016.




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