First Day at Hershey RV Show 2015

Kevin and Nate share a glimpse of their first day the Hershey RV Show.

Check out their second day at the show here.



Kevin: All right, so Nate and I are heading in to the Hershey RV Show today. This is the first day for consumer days. We’re excited to be here. We’ve been here actually the last two days at the industry show…Anyway, we’re excited to be here and really looking forward to how many RVs we can get into today and do reviews, ultimately to help you guys out as consumers who are out there shopping and trying to figure out what RV is a good choice for them. We’ll catch up a little later.


Kevin: All right so we’re heading up the steps. We’re almost able to see the RVs. You ready Nate?

Nate: Yeah

Kevin: Here we go. We’re going to switch around and show you guys what we’re looking at…So Nate and I just got into the show and, as you can see by the RVs behind us, we’re raring to go. We are going to get started here and we’ll catch up with you guys later.


Hey, welcome back. Nate and I are hanging out here just sitting in the grass, taking a little break in the shade. It’s low 80s here in Hershey, Pennsylvania at the Hershey RV Show and we’ve been going around checking out a lot of RVs today and doing a ton of reviews which you can check out anytime on We’re going to get headed out here in a second and hit the rest of the day and see if we can get a few more done. There’s some really neat stuff here. If you guys haven’t been out to an RV show or visited your local RV dealer, you really need to get there. Going online and looking at and the dealer websites is great. It gives you a lot of helpful research information up front but there’s nothing like being in one. So head out to Check out all of our reviews as we get them posted and we’ll finish up here and we’ll see you later.


Okay, so Nate and I are finished up for the day and we’re headed out of here man, because I’ll tell you what, I think we did like 102 reviews today so we are whooped. Our feet our killing us. It’s been a fantastic day, saw tons of RVs today and I’m really looking forward to getting some sleep and getting back here tomorrow. So we’ll see you all tomorrow morning and I think I’m going to dream about RVs.


Happy Camping!
Kevin & Nate


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